Monday, 28 November 2011

1st Blog Giveaway Winner!

I’m happy to announce we have a winner for my 1st blog giveaway! YAY!

Personally I was really excited and as the lovely Corrina was when I told her she had won! I will be sending off her goodies this week so she should have them asap.

To recap this is what she what the lovely Corrina will be getting….

Thanks to everyone who entered and stay tuned because I just might be having another giveaway soon.

Nat xoxo


  1. Congrats to the winner!

    And thank you Natalie for holding the awesome contest. :D

  2. Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled to be receiving such gorgeous things! Thank you for holding such an amazing and generous giveaway, you rock!
    :) x

  3. Thanks for the love guys! :)

    Corrina I'll be sending out your package tomorrow :)

