Blog Policies

Disclosure Policy
This blog is solely written and edited by me, unless stated otherwise. I am not being paid or cash compensated for writing anything in this blog.
I am not affiliated to any brands/companies and all views/opinions are my own, unless stated otherwise. 

If I review any products/brands that have been sent to me I will state accordingly.
I am not a beauty professional and haven't had any formal training, so any advice/tips stated in this blog are either from my own personal experiences or have been recommended to me.
If you have any concerns please seek advice from a professional.
I love trying and testing new products, so I’m more than happy to accept any that you wish to send to me. I cannot guarantee that all products sent to me I will test and/or will be featured in this blog. All product/brand reviews are based on what I feel is best for my blog and my readers. 
If I am sent any products that I do wish to try, please note that any reviews I may do will take some time. I like to ensure that I test a product for a number of weeks/times before I review it. If I am testing a skincare product, I will only ever test one new skincare product at a time. This is because if I test multiple it will be hard to see/assess the true effects.
I am also happy to attend events, product launched, junkets, etc.
I want my blog to be a pleasure for people to read and pleasure for people to work with. I will always maintain the highest level of professionalism and integrity.
If you have any questions please contact me:
All copy has been written by me, unless stated otherwise. If you wish you use any copy/content please contact me:
The photos used are a mix of my own photography or images from the web. All my photography has been watermarked with my blog title. If you wish to use any of my photography please contact me:
These policies were and updated and are valid from 26th September 2011.